Big Band Bash - Monday Feb 14th, 2022 7-9 pm

The Band has a standing gig: -2nd Monday, of every month  - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Lakeway bannerPresented by City of Lakeway's Arts Committee .         
      Come hear great swing and dance music for FREE !!!!

Location: Lakeway Activity Center, 105 Cross Creek, Lakeway, TX 78734

Map  -  List of Lakeway Events

NOTE: This function is BYOB - water, wine, beer, or what-have-you are allowed, and you are advised to bring anything you might want in the course of an evening. Nothing is sold or provided at this event. You may bring dinner or snacks and consume them during or before the dance, and if you dance a lot, plan on staying hydrated as well,

Nothing is sold or provided at this event.

You may bring dinner or snacks and consume them during or before the dance, and if you dance a lot, plan on staying hydrated as well,

We play from 7-9, but the building is usually open at 6:30 PM, for those bringing food or just wishing to come early.

Date/Time Begin
Date/Time Ending

Beyond The Sea

Texas Community Music Festival

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